Rug Cleaning

Expert Rug Cleaning Services

Oriental - Wool - Synthetic - Braided

Here at Carpet Care-O-Van we clean a wide range of rugs, everything from more affordable options to high-end Orientals. Each rug is unique and has its own set of parameters. For example, some rugs are colored with vegetable dyes, which means that they are not color-fast and thus cannot be steam cleaned. These rugs have to be cleaned meticulously by hand, and we are more than happy to do so. We always test for colorfastness before we clean a rug, to ensure that our methods will not leave you with a damaged product. We don't treat every rug the same simply because they are not, and doing so would be potentially harmful. We'll treat your rugs with the care and respect that we would treat our own, whether they're high-end, intricate works of art or not. That is our guaranteed to you.

We offer a free pickup and delivery service for rugs. While we are happy to clean your rug in your home we do recommend allowing us to take it into the shop. The cleaning process will involve getting your rug wet, and we have a powerful dehumidifier here that will get it dry in no time. Bring the rug to us and you'll receive 10% off your overall bill! Contact us today to learn more!

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